Companion Locations &Unique Armor,Weapon Locations
1. Companion Locations
Butch DeLoria
Following the quest Trouble on the Homefront Butch can be found in the Muddy Rudder in Rivet City, assuming that the player decided to help open the vault. Butch is one of the two neutral followers. If the player's karma is in the neutral range, Butch will offer to join up with you.
Charon - Ghoul
He resides in the Underworld as a bar bouncer. He can be hired for a sum of 2,000 caps (1,000 caps if your barter skill is high enough), and will loyally follow you after that. You can also retrieve his contract from his employer, by killing Greta in Carol's. His very first act as your new employee will be to have a "chat" with his former employer.
Found in the town of Paradise Falls. She seems to be armed with a Chinese Officer's Sword and a Sawed-Off Shotgun. She is a slave working for Eulogy. When you tell him you're looking for a bodyguard he suggests taking her. You're required to be evil, and Eulogy will sell her for 1000 caps, you can bring this down to 500 caps if you use speech. She can wear Power Armor.
Dogmeat - Canine
Can be found in the Scrapyard, south of Minefield. He is found attacking and killing several raiders, but approaches the Player peacefully and will join him if asked.
Note: Dogmeat can be sent out to gather items.
Fawkes - Super Mutant
Fawkes is an unusually intelligent and sophisticated super mutant, found in the super mutant infested Vault 87. Fawkes is clad in a tattered Vault Suit, and wields either a Super Sledge or a Gatling Laser, requires good karma.
Found in the town of Megaton, 1000 caps and bad karma required.
Star Paladin Cross
Member of the Brotherhood of Steel and answer directly to Elder Lyons. She will only join you if you have positive Karma and will leave you and return to the Citadel if your Karma drops too far for her liking.
2. Unique Armor Locations
T-51b power armor
Located deep within Fort Constantine in the north west.
You need to have completed the quest "You gotta shoot em in the head", which begins with Crowley the ghoul in the Underworld complex in the museum of history.
It's also worth having a very high lockpick skill when you visit here because of the vast amount of ammo and weapons in locked chambers.
Information by: Hutchie
Linden's Outcast Power Armor
This item can be obtained from the quest Oasis.
Stats: Big Guns +5, Str + 1, Agi - 1, Rad Res + 10,
Prototype Medic Power Armor
Found on a dead Brotherhood of Steel Initiate in the sewers of the town of Old Olney.
Stats: +25 Radiation Resistance, -1 AG
3. Unique Weapon's
A3-21's Plasma Rifle
Visit Rivet City and speak to Zimmer in the lab. Complete the quest "The replicated man" and side with the android. The weapon is his reward.
Information by: Hutchie
Alien Blaster
The Alien Blaster can be obtained from the body of a dead alien lying a few feet away from his crashed spaceship. The spaceship is found west of Greener Pastures Disposal. It is not marked on the map. You'll know you're getting close when you pick up the "Recon Craft Theta" radio signal.
Blackhawk - .44 Magnum
The Blackhawk is a powerfull scoped .44 Magnum given as a reward for bringing Agatha music paper.
Eugene - Minigun
Eugene is a minigun which can be obtained from completing the Reilly's Rangers quest. The upgraded minigun starts off in very good condition. It can be repaired with standard miniguns.
Experimental MIRV
Like the 'Fat Man', uses mini nukes and deals tons of damage. found in the Armory at National Guard Depot, behind a door that requires a passcode. Requires finding all 5 keller diaries.
Contributed by: BlAkE ShADY
Fisto! - Unarmed
The Fisto! (Variation of a Power Fist with more damage) can be found on the second level of the MDPL-13 Power station. This is Northwest of Minefield. Inside the Power plant are Ghouls aplenty and a single Glowing Ghoul that can hit quite hard, you've been warned Wastelander!
Jack - Melee
A more powerful version of the Ripper. Can be found inside the Deathclaw Sanctuary on an Enclave Soldier corpse.
Lincoln's Repeater - .44 Rifle
Lincoln's Repeater is a .44 rifle, with a 15-round magazine. It is located, in perfect condition, inside of a display case in the top floor of the Museum of American History offices.
Miss Launcher
Altered missle launcher, deals more damage yet bounces instead of detonating on contact. Found inside TheOutcasts headquarters. Need 25 lockpick to get the storage room key.
Ol' Painless - Hunting Rifle
Ol' Painless is a slightly more powerful hunting rifle. Can be found inside a safe in The Republic of Dave Capitol Building.
Protectron's Gaze - Laser Pistol
Protectron's Gaze is a unique version of the AEP7 Laser Pistol. It is awarded after handing The AntAgonizer's armor to The Mechanist and deals considerably more damage than the normal AEP7 Laser Pistol.
Reservist's Rifle - Sniper
This scoped rifle is used by and drops from the Drifter in Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel.
Smuggler's End - Laser Pistol
Smuggler's End is a unique version of the AEP7 Laser Pistol. It is Elder Lyons' personal weapon and is located in his private safe in the B-Ring of the Citadel. It is found in mint condition and can be easily repaired with regular laser pistols.
Sydney's 'Ultra' 10mm SMG
Find Sydney in the rotunda of the national archives (you need to go there for the declaration of independence quest) and pickpocket this gun, kill her for it, or let the mutants kill her and salvage it.
A great gun for gunslingers early in the game, does 35 damage one handed!
Thanks to: Curt Connors
The Burnmaster
Upgraded flamer, Inside the Franklin Station, Franklin Metro Utility area.
Contributed by: BlAkE ShADY
The Kneecapper - Sawed-Off Shotgun
Visit Girdershade in the south west. There are two shacks. In one of them lives Ronald. You have to smoke him unfortunately, but it's a nice little gun.
Information by: Hutchie
The Tenderizer Sledgehammer
The Tenderizer is in a locked room in the service access tunnel of the anchorage memorial. Most easily found from the back door. (I find the load of rooms and levels from the front door confusing) BUT you will need some parts for the door that some dude sabotaged. He left the instructions on the terminal in the first room you come to from the anchorage front door. Ther's a note on the dead body and the password for the terminal is behind the nuka cola vending machine.
Contributed by: BlAkE ShADY
The Terrible - Shotgun
The Terrible Shotgun is a small gun. It is found in the Evergreen Mills baazar off of Smiling Jack (you can kill him with no Karma effect). It can be repaired with Combat Shotguns.
The Shocker - Glove
A type of power glove, found in the Flooded Metro.
The Victory Rifle - Sniper
The best sniper rifle in the game is found in an abandoned shack atop a mountain near rockbreaker's last gas (west area of the map). The bad news is you need lockpick 100 to open the cabinet.
Information by: Hutchie
Vengeance - Gatling Laser
A very high powered Gatling Laser. Vengeance can be found in the Deathclaw Sanctuary, located in the Northwest corner of the map. The Sanctuary is filled with a ridiculous amount of Deathclaws so prepare for a fight. The Vengeance itself is found in a pool of blood and guts deep inside the Sanctuary, partly hidden by an overhanging rock formation.
Wazer Wifle - Laser Rifle
The Wazer Wifle is a unique version of the AER9 Laser Rifle which may be purchased in Little Lamplight from a child named Biwwy for 500 caps, it also maybe received freely through dialogue if you have the Child at Heart perk. Biwwy stands near the back of the Great Chamber. This weapon looks exactly the same as the regular laser rifle, but does a bit more damage. It is received in near-perfect condition. It may be repaired using the standard AER9 Laser Rifle.
Xuanlong Assault Rifle
The Xuanlong Assault Rifle is a unique modified Chinese Assault Rifle. It has an extended magazine (36 rounds instead of 24) and does additional damage. It is found on Prime's body in the diner near the Jury Street Metro Station. The location of the Jury Street Metro Station can be discovered by completing the computer puzzle in the Museum of Technology (Tech Museum Loot). You need to do the quest for the body to appear at the diner.
Contributed by: Afroginger
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