Though third-party console exclusives are an endangered species, first-party titles remain in fairly abundant supply. One of the best-regarded PlayStation 3-only games is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, developed by Crash Bandicoot studio Naughty Dog. After receiving solid review in 2007, the game sold over 507,000 copies on Sony's console. That's despite the third-place installed base of the PS3, whichtook the broze again in october us. sale, according to the NPD Group. (The game is also included in the recently launched 160Gb PS3 Bundle.)
Despite the not-quite-stellar sales, Uncharted is getting the sequel treatment. Today, two sources revealed new details about the Tomb Raider-esque archeological action-adventure's follow-up, titled Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Game Informer teased its January edition, which will feature the game as its cover story. According to the Minnesota-based magazine, which is owned and published by retailer GameStop, the sequel will be an all-new adventure focused on 13th-Century Venetian explorer Marco Polo.lates news from console price graphic comparison