list of all of the 23 locations of the Custom Weapon Schematics.
- #1 Rock-It Launcher–Wasteland Mini Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan(Sold by Wolfgang.)
- #1 Nuka Grenade–Wasteland Mini Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan(Sold by Doc Hoff.)
- #1 Shishkebab–Wasteland Mini Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan(Sold by Lucky Harith.)
- #1 Dart Gun–MDPL-05 Power Station–Once you go in look for the skeleton on the ground. It will be near it’s body.
- #1 Railway Rifle–MDPL-13 Power Station–The substation of this Station will house a workbench when you go first go in. It will be on it.
- #1 Bottlecap Mine–Little Lamplight(Sold by Knick Knack.)
- #1 Deathclaw Gauntlet–Mini Encounter: Wounded Deathclaw–A Deathclaw will be standing over a body. Kill it and search the body to get it.
- #2 Railway Rifle–Rivet City(Stealing Independence Quest)–Just complete the quest to get this for a reward.
- #2 Deathclaw Gauntlet–F. Scott Key Trail & Campground–There should be a caravan in the outside picnic area. It will be inside there.
- #2 Rock-It Launcher–Vault 101(Trouble on the Homefront Quest)–Complete quest to get.
- #2 Shishkebab–Brotherhood Outcast Shack
- #2 Bottlecap Mine–Joko’s Pop & Gas Stop–Go inside and it will be on the workbench.
- #2 Dart Gun–Temple of the Union(Head of State Quest)–Complete quest to get.
- #2 Nuka Grenade–Girdershade(The Nuka-Cola Challenge Quest)–Complete quest to get.
- #3 Railway Rifle–Museum of History Entrance(Sold by Tulip.)
- #3 Deathclaw Gauntlet–Council Seat Quest (Freeform)–Freeform Quest given by Bannon in Rivet City.
- #3 Nuka Grenade–Cliffside Cavern (Yao Guai Cave)
- #3 Bottlecap Mine–Tenpenny Tower (A Manhandled Manservant Quest-Freeform)–Talk to Dashwood to start this freeform quest. He will give you his key to his room and access to his floor safe.
- #3 Rock-It Launcher–Megaton(Sold by Moria Brown.)
- #3 Dart Gun–Tenpenny Tower(Sold by Lydia Montenegro.)
- #3 Shishkebab–Meresti Trainyard(Blood Ties Quest)–Finish quest to get.
- #4 Rock-It Launcher–Rivet City (3rd Floor Bridge Tower Armory.)
- #4 Bottlecap Mine–Megaton(The Wasteland Survival Guide Quest)–Finish quest to get.
How To Make:
- Railway Rifle
-Crutch, Steam Gauge Assembly, Pressure Cooker, Fission Battery
- Rock-it Launcher
-Deluxe Brand Vacuum Cleaner, Leafblower, Conductor, Firehose Nozzle
- Shishkebab
-Motorcycle Gas Tank, Lawnmower Blade, Motorcycle Handbrake, Pilot Light
- Deathclaw Gauntlet
-Deathclaw Hand, Leather Belt, Wonderglue, Medical Brace
- Nuka Grenade
-Nuka-Cola Quantum, Tin Can, Abraxo Cleaner and Turpentine
- Bottle Cap Mine
-Lunchbox, Cherry Bomb, Sensor Module, 10 Bottle Caps
- Dartgun
- Toy Car, Radscorpion Poison Gland, Paint Gun, Surgical Tubing.

Made one of every custom weapon.
Can’t find the parts to make these weapons? Can’t get the achievement because of it? Well, I was having the same problem until I stumbled upon a location that has everything you need. (Except three things.)
The Bethesda Ruins, north east from Vault 101, has EVERYTHING you need to make the custom weapons. The only three things I didn’t find there was a Deathclaw Hand, a Nuka-Cola Quantum, and a Pressure Cooker.
Don’t worry though. You can find a Deathclaw anywhere in the wilderness. If you have suicidal tendencies you can venture to the Deathclaw Sanctuary and once you kill one….or twenty loot them for their hands.
The only Presasure Cooker I found was located in one of the shacks at The Mason Dixion Salvage.