Monday, January 5, 2009

Screenshots : Wet at console price

Screenshots: Wet at cheapgames

wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price
wet at console price

Game- Wet
Developer(s) - A2M
Platform(s) - PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre(s) - Action
Rating(s)- ESRB: Rating Pending (RP)
Media- Blu-ray Disc, DVD

Latest console price update.

Daily game news at console price

saints row at console pricesaints row 2 at console price Released today Saints Row 2 (PC)

Saints Row 2 on PC has a confirmed release date on Monday 05 January 2009. It is today until you can play Saints Row 2 on your PC in the USA. View below for more Saints Row 2 release date details.
Release date - US 5 Jan 2009 (Now) , EU 23 Jan 2009 (17 days left), AUS 6 Jan 2009 (0 day left), JP- N/A

the sims3 at console pricethe sims3 at console priceThe Sims 3: System Requirements

The system requirements for Sims 3 has been released. Luckily now everyone can afford to play this game.

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Laser Gun Made with XBOX 360 Parts

Playing xbox is fun, but burning things with a new James-Bond-like laser is even sweeter. Check out the video to drive yourself crazy!!!

Daily game news at console price

Killzone 2 Demo Available at GameStop January 5th (PS3)
daily game news at console price
It's been clear now that the long awaited Killzone2 Demo will be released for downloading for pre-ordered customer at Gamestop on 5th January 2009 So hurry!!

Gran Turismo dev looking to expand their horizons? (News)
daily game news at console priceA summary of an interview with Kazunori Yamauchi from Japanese gaming magazine GeMaga, Polyphony Digital president Kazunori Yamauchi

GT5 "might not" be released in 2009 even if they want to. Their schedule for GT5 is still within the year 2009 but it doesn't look as if it would be ready. He also said that even if Polyphony ,now, creates only a game involving with cars but Polyphony also wants to create a new types of games.

Lord of the Rings: Conquest Multiplayer Demo Hits Xbox LIVE (PS3/360/PC)
daily game news at console priceElectronic Arts released multiplayer demo of Lord of the Rings: Conquest played with Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

In the game you can choose to be on moral side or evil side to combat in the Middle-Earth war.

New picture of the XCM Dominator Joystick for PS3 (News)
daily game news at cheapgames
XCMLive shown a new Arcade Controller image for PS3. Information on this controller hasn't been known much but it ,sure, looks real cool.

Stay tuned at console price for more game news

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